In the bustling streets of Johannesburg, the quiet villages of Limpopo, and the townships of Cape Town, a silent struggle unfolds daily. It's a battle fought not just against a virus, but against the crushing weight of stigma, discrimination, and mental anguish. This...
The Impact of Apartheid: The Shadow of Apartheid
In the vibrant tapestry of South African society, a dark thread remains interwoven – the lasting psychological impact of apartheid. Nearly three decades after the official end of this oppressive system, its effects continue to reverberate through the minds and hearts...
Brain Health: The Compounding Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol abuse is a pervasive issue that affects millions of people worldwide. While many are aware of the immediate effects of alcohol consumption, such as impaired judgment and coordination, the long-term consequences on brain health are often overlooked. In this...
Repetition Compulsion: Understanding Trauma Reenactment
Repetition compulsion involves engaging in behaviors or seeking experiences that mirror early life events, including past traumas. Despite the negative outcomes, individuals often continue to repeat actions or scenarios reminiscent of their trauma. Also known as...
Imagery Rehearsal Therapy for PTSD: Treat Nightmares
Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT) is a cognitive-behavioral treatment designed to reduce the frequency and intensity of nightmares, particularly those experienced by people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Nightmares are a common and distressing symptom of...
Understanding a Psychotic Break: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
A psychotic break is a frightening experience where a person loses touch with reality, often due to declining mental health. Also known as psychosis or a psychotic episode, this condition can be triggered by stress, trauma, or underlying medical issues. Research...